Tuesday, October 30, 2018

My experience with CA and My apology to the Fandom

Hello SPNFamily:
I am a former Angel. My reasons for leaving them were many, one of which was to regain and protect my mental health. But first a little background

Around the first of the year I joined CA. When I did I walked into a cluster. They had just either removed or someone left (don’t remember name) that did something (not sure exactly what to do this day) and they were going on about drama from said person. (if said person of that time reads this I apologize for what they put you through). I watched as they sat there and pawed through twitter looking for her to say anything and then they would pounce. A couple DMed her also and then I watched as they spun it like she did something against them and they were the victim.
I was in shock. I couldn’t believe that this is how a charity organization would function. I’ve work for charity/nonprofits in the past and never, ever experienced this. If you want to know which one, DM and I will tell you (I don’t want to drag them into anything they don’t need to be messed up in). It was soon after that I found out that there was no 501 3(c). Thank you to the other former member who pointed that to me, you know who you are.  I should have left then, but I didn’t.
They will love bomb you. By that I mean as soon as you join before you get to know them or them you, they all say they love you. For someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends in RL, it was a nice. To be so easily accepted and then told you are loved. Isn’t that what everyone wants?
Shortly after I joined the whole thing started with TAW social media meltdown. I really didn’t know anything about him or what he had been accused of. I was told that everything was lies, that this was all done to a) get him kicked off the show and b) to get him kicked out of the cons. That it was all a plan by Lua and Emily and some members of Creation themselves. That Creation themselves hated him, that Clif hated him and wanted him gone. Then it was added that he himself cut ties with Creation due to the prices they charge. Stupidly I took this at face value, I mean why would they lie about this.
I need to pause here and apologize to the victims of this “man”. What I was told and basically feed is disgraceful. In this era to have mostly women tearing down and trying to discredit victims while at the same time telling their own stories of assault and harassment was wrong and felt completely vile to me.
So started the not in public not on twitter support for TAW. I am admitting I participated in this. I’m sorry please forgive me. I am guilty and ashamed that I did this in the first place.
I am also ashamed of and ask forgiveness for the targeted bullying that has happened to a member of this fandom. I feel sick to my stomach at how I let myself be manipulated by this. I have never meet nor have I ever had any experiences with the targeted person. I think you all know by now it is Lua.
One example of this is when Lua put up a poll, we angels were asked (but not directly) to go mess with it. Something along the lines of this was said “I’m not saying go post but if you do be nice” with a giggle. And then when someone would post and the share the screencap of it in the chat, it was meet with praise.
And whenever drama came up over TAW, even if it was he himself stirring it all up, Lua was to blame. That somehow everything with drama was and will always be her fault.
And that is basically how everything was. They move from one drama fire to the next, each one started by them in some way. There was and is no real structure to group. Sure Vic is the “leader” but she couldn’t even keep orders straight that were placed for her “jewelry”. I tried on many occasions to get some organization going. Spreadsheets for each campaign, trying to get people to commit to working on them i.e. each campaign having a group of people taking it from concept to finished product. Nothing ever stuck. I would be told we would get to it.
Oh and the campaigns were a joke. Now I am not one to tear down someone’s artwork, since I can draw to save my life but some of the designs looked so off. I would literally ask myself: “They are planning on charging what for that?!”.
During this time with CA my partner whom I call Big Daddy noticed a personality change within me. I was no longer the bright, happy positive person that I was. I had become closed off, bitter and angry. I would lash out. One weekend he asked me to step away from social media, to just be in the here and now. A small spark of myself started to come back. Talking with him we discovered that it was the constant drama and negativity from being in CA that was greatly affecting me. I started to step back.
Towards the end of my time with CA my mother in law fell ill. Cancer. We started to prepare as a family for the end. I watched a strong spit fire of a woman become a shadow of herself. This woman welcomed me and my oldest son into her family with open arms and no questions asked. She was smaller than me but man when she spoke all listened. For reference I am 5’2”.
I reached out to a few members and told them what was going on. I was told basically by all but one; “Ok, do what you gotta to do.” I was floored. Here my world is being changed forever and that is what I was told. Weren’t they my friends? Didn’t they love me and care about me?
On the night she (my mother in law passed) I had someone tell me. Nothing, crickets…Not one word. I wasn’t looking for a pity party or for attention. I just wanted my friends to tell me that everything was going to be alright. That I was strong and that I had to be strong for Big Daddy and my boys. I got crickets. I was done.
At this time the SB was going around and I got struck by it. One day one of my mutuals dropped me in a GC and was like, “This is Mell, she’s good people. Mell these are good people.” And there I found my family.
It took time but I found myself again, with the help of my family in real life and my family on Twitter. I discovered what real friendship is and what true and real acceptance is. I hope they all know how much I appreciate them all. And how much they all mean to me.

So there it is, my CA story. Please SPNFamily, forgive me. I will do whatever I can to get them shut down. To get Vic to stop calling them Castiel’s Angel’s cause they are anything but angel like (well maybe they are like all the other Supernatural angels and are dicks).  To anyone who gave Vic money the many times she said she couldn’t make rent. I apologize. I apologize to the many that her group members bullied and harassed. Trust me she was more than likely egging them on with her, “I’m not saying you can’t post but be nice” bs.


  1. It takes a good person to apologize for their part in something. It also takes someone very brave to speak out against a group that has been so nasty. The only way for people to really know though is for former members to do exactly that.
    Thank you for being so courageous. I'm very happy to hear that you found a proper SPNfamily of your own. ❤️

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